Domestic Abuse Solicitors in Chester

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If you have been affected by domestic abuse, including being threatened by your partner or another family member, the family law team at Freeman Jones Solicitors, are specialist domestic abuse solicitors in Chester and will be able to help and advise in relation to your legal options.

Our family solicitors will be able to assist you in starting injunctive proceedings swiftly or taking alternative action, depending upon the specific circumstances of your case to ensure you receive sufficient protection of the court.

We may be able to make an application for a non-molestation order on your behalf, preventing the abuser from contacting you.

In addition, our family team may be able to assist you in applying for an occupation order to ensure the abuser cannot access the family home.

This may or may not be appropriate in your particular case, but we can provide you with detailed advice in relation to the “balance of harm test” which the court undertakes when making a decision as to whether to grant an occupation order. We can draft the paperwork that is issued at court on your behalf so that the proceedings are appropriate to your particular circumstances.

Our domestic abuse solicitors in Chester appreciate that everyone’s case is different. However, a victim of domestic abuse cannot be expected to stay in abusive household due to financial constraints. Please therefore contact us to arrange a free initial 30 minute consultation in order that we can advise you in relation to the best course of action to take.

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Author Colin Freeman View Profile
Colin qualified as a solicitor in 1998. He specialises predominantly in family law, litigation / dispute resolution, wills, probate and settlement agreements and has notable cases reported in the Court of Appeal and High Court.
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